Friday, March 10, 2023

Nico`s Essential Question: Session 5

Describe the five assessments you will use to measure 4MAT instructional skill including the criteria you will require:

Different kinds of assessment are required as you move around the cycle. Students will engage each other and I guide them towards to unfamiliar situation, times of uncertainty where they have to make judgments and decisions without enough time and information within the group (team-sourced). Finally learners has to extend the learning into real life and adapt skills to his/her own organization.

1 comment:

  1. It is absolutely essential to regularly check in with participants to gain their feedback. Specifically, when working with a diverse cohort, effective learning can only happen when we understand how participants perceive our programme. According to the 4MAT approach, this happens after five specific moments of the journey:

    After the end of Q1 (Did the groups/partners work well together? Did the experience you created enable them to make a personal connection? Were their perceptions shared honestly and enriched by this sharing?)
    During Q2 (Can students depict the meaning of the Quadrant One experience as a concept, a significant idea that the details in the lecture will exemplify? Did the graphic organizer/visual representation, poetic/musical strategy help them to see the big picture, the core meaning ofthe content?)
    After information delivery (Did they understand the material? Do they know the difference between the important information versus the substantiating details?)
    After the skills practice (Can they do it? Can they do it as you taught it? This is important because students need the expert skill base practiced and fluid before they can move on to adapting the learning to new or novel situations.)
    At the End ofthe Performance/Project/Personal Extension What outcome are you after? How will you know they accomplished it? What rubric will you use, what list ofcriteria for different grades, for an A or a B, etc.? Will you involve students in creating the rubric? Will you ask them to provide new questions as part of their ending? Will you ask them what they learned that you didn’t ask?
