Tuesday, March 14, 2023


After completing the online session five and all of the homework, please return to this post and answer the Essential Question for Session Five by posting a COMMENT to this blog entry.

Why does teaching with 4MAT call for multiple forms of assessment?

Monday, March 13, 2023

Nico's RAINBOWED by Alex


Niko, this is an experiential design that is insightful and engaging. It is interesting to let participants do a first simulation without giving them your expert advice and then let them do it again after Quadrant 2. 

They'll surely notice a difference in their behaviour! You create a nice balance between substance and experience. It'll be interesting to compare their feelings after the first round with what they experienced after round 2 and let them reflect on this. 

It's absolutely brilliant to record the situation and confront participants with the video as a basis for a conversation. I'd like to hear how you set this up so that participants still act naturally and authentically. I feel inspired after having read through your wheel. Many thanks!

Anca's RAINBOWED by Ran


Hi Anca, 


I find your training design has a lot of strengths, including a well-crafted essential question, clear and organized presentation of information, and engaging application activities.

Your essential question is well aligned with the design steps which is helpful to create a cohesive course that addresses the needs and interests of the participants.


Two minor suggestions from my side: 

  1. Quadrant 1R: as I see that you chose “change” as concept, and you have planned a connect question “ When was the last time that you changed something to yourself or in your environment?” I would go a bit further within this question, that means “ask the participants to think about a recent change they experienced in their personal or professional life. Give them a few minutes to reflect on the change and how it impacted them.” I think it will enhance their connection feelings by doing this. 
  2. Quadrant 1L: Nice idea to divide them into small groups for a discussion. As a facilitator, we might need to highlight the similarities and differences between the motivations shared by the participants and the importance of understanding this role in the context of peace and security challenges.
  3. Quadrant 4L:  Based on this guided question, what activities would you design to support it? For example, an “action planning”: Work with experts to develop concrete action plans that outline specific steps they can take to support the issues they care about in their future jobs. This can help them turn their ideas into action and make a positive impact in their respective embassies.


Once again, I understand that designing something based on a generic topic can be challenging, but I appreciate how you managed to make it seem interesting and relevant.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Alex`s RAINBOWED by Nico


One of the things I admire about you is your ability to see the big picture. I think you are doing a great job when you are using interactive methods during your 4MAT circle. It shows you can get people to learn together and communicate effectively. 

My feedback would be minor design: Do you think you can add to sector Q1 (connect) more about how they feel about negotiation? Like have they faced situations in their life that conversation seems impossible. Like "Experiencing camaraderie, having a sense of “having been there too”. What do you think if at Q4 they have time to reflect what they have learnt - realizing what they have become after this modul? Like establishing future use and confirming conclusions...

Anyway, I can see you’re deep and detailed on this. I really think you have a made great work with this!

Nico`s Essential Question: Session 5

Describe the five assessments you will use to measure 4MAT instructional skill including the criteria you will require:

Different kinds of assessment are required as you move around the cycle. Students will engage each other and I guide them towards to unfamiliar situation, times of uncertainty where they have to make judgments and decisions without enough time and information within the group (team-sourced). Finally learners has to extend the learning into real life and adapt skills to his/her own organization.

Alex&Niko Orange exercise


1. Real orange 13

2. Picture orange 2

3 Definition and history 4

The impact of learning with the 12 o`clock and 6 o`clock experience is more complete, deeper and more sensual. When you eat the orange you feel and remember experience better. You are focused and orange comes more relevant for you.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023


Please post one image on the blog using the "NEW POST" button at the top of the page-because you are posting an image. We would like you to find an image showing "When the learner takes over the Learning." We will use these images in our Quadrant 2 Right (Image or Bridge step). Remember this step represents the outcomes imaged and one outcome of 4MAT instruction is that the learner will reach a place on the cycle when they do take over the learning.    


Share your lesson on the blog by posting a "COMMENT" (Title and Grade level)CONCEPT,  BRIDGE(outcomes imaged) and CONTENT.

Example: (thanks to Jami Covone)

Unit Title
 - The First Americans and the Land They Found
Grade - Middle School

Concept - Culture
Bridge - Diversity and Adversity

Content - The First Native American 


After completing the online session four and all of the homework, please return to this post and answer the Essential Question for Session Four by posting a "COMMENT" to this blog entry.

What is the conceptualizing process and how will you do it? 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Alex's Movie-Image Exercise

Encanto: A Study in Compassion

Encanto is a beautiful family movie that follows a multigeneration Colombian family, the Madrigals, led by a matriarch whose children and grandchildren--except for Mirabel Madrigal--receive magical gifts from a miracle that helps them serve the people in their rural community. When Mirable learns that the family is losing their magic, she sets out to find what is happening and save her family and magical house. The film's music is phenomenal, and the characters are well thought through. Everyone who has a family can undoubtedly identify in one way or the other with the Madrigals. 
It's a heartwarming story.


Saturday, February 25, 2023

Anca's movie exercise

Glow is a study in women empowerment. The series follows the story of 13 women who get the role of their lives in a small production in the 80’. The show has an original idea for the time, namely women wrestlers. The series shows the struggles of these women to have a career before joining the production, because of family obligations and difficulties to succeed as actors. The director of the show, and older grumpy man, follows also a path of growth during the series by succeeding slowly to organize his disordered life and discovers a meaning in his role as a father. It is a series about women empowerment, friendship, career and personal/romance related struggles.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Nico`s Movie Image Exercise

 Hytti nro 6: A Study of Humanity


The film “Hytti nro 6” tells the story of a young woman Laura who travels by train through the Siperia to Murmansk, Russia to see petroglyphs. Unfortunately, Laura gets a slightly younger miner Ljoha as her cabin mate in the train. At first this man seems like a complete drunkard with no manners at all. During a journey lasting several days, two completely different people find connection, friendship and even a bit of romance.

Ran's Movie Image Exercise


Summary: The film is based on the novel “Wives and Concubines” by Su Tong. It tells the story of a young woman (19 years old), Songlian, an educated woman who becomes the fourth wife of a wealthy man, whose face is never clearly shown during the 1920s in China.

The film explores themes of power, control, tradition, and patriarchy as Songlian becomes embroiled in the intense competition and jealousy between the four wives for the attention and favor of their husband. The wives' lives are highly regimented and controlled, with strict rules and rituals that they must follow.

In fact, the master decides on a daily basis the concubine with whom he will spend the night; whomever he chooses gets her lanterns lit, receives the foot massage, gets her choice of menu items at mealtime, and gets the most attention and respect from the servants. 

Songlian, who had briefly attended university before the passing of her father and being forced into marriage, comes to the conclusion that she is happier in solitude; she eventually sees the competition between the concubines as a useless endeavor, as each woman is merely a "robe" that the master may wear and discard at his discretion. The following summer, after the Master's marriage to yet another concubine, Songlian is shown wandering the compound in her old schoolgirl clothes, appearing to have gone completely insane.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023


After completing the online session three and all of the homework, please return to this post and answer the Essential Question for Session Three by posting your answer as a COMMENT to this blog entry.

How does your teaching style influence your instructional designs?  


The following exercise will give you experience creating an image 

combined with language that brings you to the essence of the subject.

     1.  Select one film that you have seen. 

2. Write a short summary.

3. Create or (find online) an advertisement or image for this movie.

4. Complete this sentence for your movie: 

(Name of film): A Study in ______________

5. Post your Summary, Image and Sentence on the course blog
      before the 4th session.

To do this, you must click the "NEW POST" link at the top of this page. You will then see the toolbar which will allow you to add an image to your post. Click the picture icon and browse to find your image and insert it. Please use images not larger than about 4 inches or 450 pixels. You can use the controls to make it smaller.


Tuesday, February 14, 2023



Create a brief personal narrative on an example of whole-brained problem solving that happened to you and post as a COMMENT  below.



Please post your TSI scores as a COMMENT to this blog post following the example for Mary below.


Mary:  Q1-29, Q2-15, Q3-22, Q4-24


Please post your answer as a COMMENT to this blog post.

After completing the online session two and all of the homework, please return to this post and answer the Essential Question for Session Two by posting a comment to this blog entry.

Why have the gifts of the Right Mode been so neglected in education and training?

 i.e. Feeling, Intuition, Imaging, Metaphors, and Expressions of Feelings both Verbal and Nonverbal? 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023



Please post your Hemispheric Mode Indicator (HMI) 
results as a COMMENT to this blog post.

My HMI score was -1, favoring the left hemisphere, 
but only just barely so.

I feel that this score adequately represents who I am. I can adjust myself to focus in on details, be organized, calculate, work towards goals, consider management, remove myself from situations, and use words to my advantage. On the other hand, I can also let loose, be creative, go with the flow when neccesary, make connections, use pictures and graphics to my advantage, and be empathic. I have the ability to shift back and forth.

However, this can also create chaos in my life. There are times when I can literally feel my brain floundering. I can't explain what it feels like. I visualize it as oil and water that has been swirled together. Sometimes I'm presented with a problem or situation and I simply freeze. I can feel my brain jumble up as it tries to decide which half is going to take over-as though the two halves are at war with each other. It's the strangest sensation. I wish I knew how to make them work together...



Choose Three Students/Workers (from WorkBook 1 Extend activity)


One who worries about always getting things just right,
One who you believe has untapped potential, and
One who reminds you of yourself as a student.


One who worries about pleasing everyone, never confronts,
One who is not very engaged in the work, doing minimum, and
One who reminds you of yourself.

Post your comments to this blog post.  Post the challenge you would create for each type of learner by adding a COMMENT to this post. 


 Please post your answer as a COMMENT to this blog post.

After completing online session one and all of the homework, please return to this post and answer the Essential Question for Session One by posting a comment to this blog entry.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023



Please post your Learning Type Measure results as a COMMENT to this blog post. Be sure to 
include your Quadrant scores as well as your Watching/Doing score. 


Mary Piekarski:

Type 1 - 53, Type 2 - 21, Type 3 - 35, Type 4 - 41, Watching/Doing (+3)



Take a minute to tell your fellow class members a little about yourself! 

ADD A COMMENT TO THIS BLOG POST and tell us what we should know about you!